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Good For Quick Typing Help

Overall, my favorite part of this website is the user interface as it is very beginner-friendly. As someone who already knows how to type, I think that it can still be useful to get better, and for someone who does not know how it, it can help them learn. One critique I would have is to have more assessments throughout the course, as it can help students learn better.
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Easy to Use

This is a great tool. However, I do think the videos are a little long and unnecessary. I lost interest myself, so I'm sure my students also would.
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Straight to the Point

I think that this website is a useful teaching tool in preparing students for higher education settings and getting familiar with the layout of a keyboard. I like how straightforward this website is as it limits the distractions for students and makes it to focus on the task. I also like that the website offers various games for the students to interact with. These games can also help students strengthen their spelling skills.
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Great Resource for Basic Typing Skills

This tool is very useful for students to learn basic typing skills and how to use a keyboard effectively. I love that there is a multitude of games for students to play that allows them to select a favorite to stick with or pick and choose between the options if they prefer variety. I also like that it is very customizable. Students can pick the difficulty in the games they play to practice and teachers can pick the difficulty of the lesson assigned to their classroom. It is also very engaging with students being able to meet a daily goal, see their average typing speed, and grow a plant by earning experience points. The only downside is occasionally there will be a distracting advertisement or two, like the description on Common Sense Education says.
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Great tool to improve typing skills

It offers various different activities within the website to cater to all different types of typing levels. From basic education to general competitive games, typing is made fun an interactive. The only minor downside would be the ads that are distributed throughout the screen; however, it doesn't cause much of an obstruction and can be easily ignored. Thorough enjoyed the timed and page tests to see where my typing skills are at currently.
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Simple to use for typing

Useful website for keyboard practice for anyone who is starting out typing or those who want to improve their typing skills. Entertaining games for students to reinforce their typing skills.
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Decent website

It is a decent app, even though most of the grammar is very incorrect and I recommend anything else than this website
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The Most Perfect Typing App Available!

As I stated above, I completely recommend this product but it does come with a small glitch that most programs also have - ads. All of the ads are tiny and not very distracting at all (our kids were not bothered) but we did have an issue that if the student had used their school domain address to visit inappropriate sites that information search would generate inappropriate ads on their platform. This isn't necessarily a product issue, but it is a danger to be aware of on any product that has ads in it. Would be great if apps could go ad free but that only exists if a fee is charged for the product. I would MUCH rather see the tool remain free to users than any kind of subscription program.
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5 people found this helpful.

Inappropriate words

Avoid this one if you are concerned about appropriate content, and it also has non-standard American English spellings as well.
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Great teaching tool for keyboarding.

I really like this product and I think it is a great teaching tool. I like that I can track each students progress.
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2 people found this helpful.