
Compact process for positive praise builds classroom community

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Subjects & Topics

Classroom Management, Digital Citizenship, Relationships & Communication, Social & Emotional Learning

Price: Free to try, Paid
Platforms: Web

Pros: Easy to use, daily practice for students to compliment each other and build relationships.

Cons: Will require an energetic teacher attitude to prevent feelings of redundancy or boredom.

Bottom Line: Great for a quick bonding activity when led by a positive instructor.

Even though Mightifier is simple in its process, teachers could find myriad ways to incorporate it into their classroom. Consider teaching one characteristic per week for a total of 27 weeks of discussion, and closing the lesson with independent practice on the site. Teachers can print out the extra posters and hang them around the room for students to reference. Teachers could also start their year off with a discussion on class values or norms and have students collectively choose three or four traits they want to encourage in others for the entire year.

The Wellbeing Pulse is a student survey that asks kids to reflect on their perspective of classroom climate; it may be sensitive enough to gauge monthly changes and could be used as a part of math discussion since the developers provide pie charts and graphs to display the data. Better yet, consider graphing classroom-wide data to see which characteristics are most commonly given to peers. Teachers might enjoy incorporating Mightifier into a daily or at least weekly homeroom discussion or closing day activity; let students work independently and quietly during the last five to 10 minutes of the day to send their peers off with positive feedback.

Mightifier is a web-based platform that teaches students how to give positive feedback. Teachers choose up to 27 characteristics that students can assign to their peers, and determine which students give feedback to each other. Mightifier also allows teachers to choose a randomized order or let the students choose. Students then start the round, receive their assigned peer, and choose characteristics based on a prompt (e.g., "tell how your peer demonstrated their best behavior during a group today"). Once students choose one or two characteristics, they're asked to write a brief response to expand on their thoughts. Before the results are made public, the teacher monitors feedback and can reassign the task if responses are not up to standards. Finally, the teacher can publish the results, and each student is alerted that they've gained "strengths" in the eyes of their peers. The student dashboard shows how many tasks students have to complete and also how many strengths they've collected, along with explanations on how they helped the culture of their classroom.

Mightifier also offers supplementary activities. Teachers can assign a brief survey to students based on their overall feelings of connectedness and their perceptions of the classroom. Additionally, extended curriculum activities, printables, and lesson plans make up the administrative dashboard and are available in English, Swedish, and Finnish.

Mightifier takes 27 essential character strengths and asks students to positively reflect on the traits their peers demonstrate. Without activating background knowledge, this might be an arduous task; therefore, it's recommended that teachers take full advantage of the discussion guides and printable strength cards that Mightifier offers before diving in. Mightifier recommends starting off with eight to 10 of these characteristics, and teachers can follow the supplementary lesson plans to orient students to these traits. Students are offered the option between randomized pairings or choosing the student for whom they want to provide feedback; student choice should be limited to birthdays or celebrations to ensure that each student receives feedback from all of their peers and exclusion is minimized. The Wellbeing Pulse is a great way to gauge classroom culture strictly from the student perspective.

Missing from Mightifier is a way for the whole class to earn incentives for all the praise they're dishing out. Additionally, all this positivity would be great to share with parents in one form or another, which Mightifier doesn't yet offer. Overall, Mightifier can encourage students to positively reflect on simple character strengths and encourage and praise their peers for their beneficial impact on classroom community.

Learning Rating

Overall Rating

The fun characters will reel kids in, but their overall engagement will depend on how well the teacher frames and presents the results.


The overall experience is rooted in positive feedback, which students will pick up on quickly. Requires extension lessons taught by the teacher to truly generalize learning and understanding.


Students and teachers have access to tutorials and supplementary activities to learn the system; discussion guides and printables are helpful to activate knowledge up front.

Awesome platform for teaching and children interaction

This web-based platform appears to be of interest to me. It is entertaining and simple to use. It will ensure that students are fully engaged in the learning process, which will be dependent on how good the teacher presents and delivers the outcomes. It is extremely educational because students and teachers have exposure to tutorials and supplemental activities to help them master the system; discussions guides and handouts are useful for activating information right from the start. Mightifier is a fantastic platform that should be integrated into our educational environments

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